Hi, I'm Christina!  I'm 31 years old and happily married.  I'm a Colorado native but am currently living in the PNW.  I am a Pure Barre teacher, real estate investor/manager, and a lover of food, wine, and all things beauty.

I have loved makeup for as long as I can remember.  When I was a little girl, I was frequently caught in my parents' bathroom looking at and playing with my mom's makeup.  When I was in college, I discovered the beauty community on YouTube, and it was then that I really learned how to apply makeup.  I do not consider myself a "makeup guru" by any means, but I have learned how to apply makeup well enough that I felt comfortable doing my own makeup for my wedding.  If I can learn, anyone can!  I still love watching YouTube videos, and I am constantly learning new tips and tricks.

The name "I Dream of Makeup" came to me because 1) I absolutely do dream of makeup!  and 2) I Dream of Jeannie is one of my favorite shows of all time.  Through this blog, I hope to share tips, product reviews, and ideas.  I hope to be an inspiration to you in some way, and I hope you will comment and inspire me!  If this blog can help even just one person, I'll consider it a success.  Thank you for reading!!




Anonymous said...

Hello! I will be checking this blog regularly for some tips and tricks! I still need work on my blush and bronzer application, eyeshadow, etc. My makeup WILL look like yours someday!


Christina Coleman said...

Woohoo! Thanks for reading :)