Tuesday, April 4, 2017

100% Cream Product Look

Today was one of those days where I sat at my vanity to do my makeup with no planned look in mind.  Maybe it was the dreary weather that had me longing for that summertime glow, or maybe I just wanted to play with makeup I haven't used in a little while.  Whatever the reason was, I went for all cream products.  I love the look of creams--they can often look more natural than powders, and they leave a fresh, dewy, beautifully glowy, youthful finish.

I used the following products for today's look:

*It Cosmetics CC Cream in Tan mixed with Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation in 4.5 
I mixed them to get the perfect color match for my skin right now.  I also like the texture of the two when combined--the Charlotte foundation is more satin, and the It CC provides more moisture.  By the way, I did apply moisturizer underneath.  In the summer, I can usually get away with using the It CC as both my moisturizer and foundation.

*Maybelline Fit Me Concealers in Medium and Deep
These shades on their own don't quite work for me, but they're great mixed together.  I may be the only person in the makeup world who doesn't like a super bright under eye area.  Maybe I'm not doing it right, or maybe I haven't found the right products, but that trend does not work for me at all.  It makes my under eye area look grey.  Gross.  I prefer to match my concealer to my skin as opposed to some YouTubers who like to go 22 shades lighter.  In summary, do what works for you!

The formula of this concealer is great, and for whatever reason, I like it a lot more now than when I first tried it a while back.  It's the only concealer I've used recently that doesn't make my under eye area look like alligator skin.

*ELF Aqua Beauty Blush and Bronzer in Bronzed Pink Beige (I only used the bronzer)
This is a wonderful cream duo that will cost you a whopping $6.  I believe it comes in two other colors.  The bronzer and blush are great (use a light hand with the blush!).  The bronzer is a really nice shade for me.  And, according to Jambeauty89 (one of my favorite YouTubers), it's similar to the Chanel Tan de Soleil cream bronzer.  This is one I've wanted to try for ages, but when it comes down to it, I can't bring myself to shell out $50 for it.  So, at least for now, I'm happy with my ELF version.

*Pixi MultiBalm in Wild Rose (used as a blush)
This is a great drugstore cream blush!  It's a nice texture and color, and it seems to last a while on my skin.  I like that it dries down and doesn't stay tacky like some cream blushes, which can be annoying.  It comes in a few other colors as well.

*NYX Away We Glow Highlighter in Moonbeam
I used this stuff on the tops of my cheekbones.  It took me a few tries to get the hang of it.  The best way I've found to apply it is to use 3-4 dots where I want it and blend it in with a brush right away before moving to the other side of my face.  It sets pretty quickly and needs to be blended right away.  It's a beautiful highlighter, and I'm glad I tried it several times before giving up on it.

*Charlotte Tilbury Colour Chameleon in Dark Pearl
I talked about this pretty recently.  It's a beautiful cream eyeshadow that stays put all day!

Add some mascara and brow product, and that's today's look!  I didn't put any color on my lips--I just used my trusty Jack Black lip balm.

If you're intimidated by cream products (and many people are), I hope this inspires you to venture out and try some!  They're not nearly as scary as they seem.

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