Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Travelling Back 10 Years: Makeup I Wore In High School

One of my senior pictures taken in 2005!  It was the summer between my junior and senior year.

I am currently subscribed to over 70 YouTubers, but with an increasingly busy daily schedule, I'm pretty selective about the videos I choose to watch.  I was immediately intrigued by one of Kathleen Light's videos titled "Makeup I Wore In High School."  I watched the video and thought it was such a fun idea.  It inspired me to think back to what I wore in high school and see if those products are still around today!

I don't think I started wearing foundation until about junior year in high school.  I can't remember what all I tried, but I remember using Almay Clear Complexion Makeup when I was a senior.  I used to love this stuff.  It's still around today, although they have changed the packaging and added a pump.  Side note: I also remember loving Almay Truly Lasting Color in college.  In fact, I'm intrigued to try it again...

Sticking with the Almay trend, I remember using and liking Almay Clear Complexion Concealer.  It's also still around today.  I used this on blemishes, and I don't remember if I used concealer under my eyes at that point.

More Almay!  I used a pink blush from them in white packaging.  It looks like it's not around today.  I was also a fan of the CoverGirl Cheekers Blush (not sure which color).  It is still available today, and they've updated the packaging.

The CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 4 Kit Shadows take me way back to when I was about 12 or 13 years old.  It was the first makeup product my mom ever bought me.  It's still around today, and they've also updated the packaging.  Sadly, I don't remember the exact name of the quad I had, but it had a couple pink shades and a couple brown shades.  It's funny to think back--I remember at first not even knowing that you could mix the shades or that there was any way to incorporate multiple shades into one look,  Every day, I'd pick a different one out of the quad to wear.

It was almost always black pencil eyeliner once I got to the point of wearing it.  I used the CoverGirl Perfect Point Plus liner and remember liking it.  I think I also tried a couple others, although I can't remember which ones.

Yet another CoverGirl product... does anybody remember their Fantastic Lash (I think that's what it was called) in the red tube??  OH MY GOD.  That stuff was amazing!  Why do companies get rid of good products??  Anyway, it had a traditional mascara wand type (not a rubber one), and I used and enjoyed all the varieties (they had a regular, a waterproof, and a curved brush).  SO GOOD.  I would still be using it today if it was available :(.  I also dabbled in some Maybelline mascaras.  I liked their Sky High Curves one (another great product that got discontinued).  I'm sure there were others, but those are the only ones that stick out to me today.

I was a lip balm girl in high school.  I think I also had some CoverGirl lip glosses, but for the most part, it was various types of lip balms.

Thoughts 10 Years Later
Looking back now, the only thing I wish I had done differently was fill in my eyebrows.  I actually remember getting my makeup done at the Bobbi Brown counter one time, and they filled in my brows.  I immediately went into the bathroom in Nordstrom and wiped it off.  I wish I could go back in time and talk some sense into my teenage self.  I also didn't use any bronzer, and I don't think I even knew what highlighter was.  Looking back at my makeup routine, it was simple, I used products I liked, and for the most part, it worked.

Thank you so much for reading and travelling down memory lane with me!  I would love to hear what you used and loved years back.
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Monday, August 1, 2016

Hair Hack

By now, you've probably heard that coconut oil is a miracle beauty product (in addition to being useful in the kitchen!).  One of its many uses is as a leave-in conditioner for your hair,  I've done this before, and my favorite way to do it is to put a little bit on the ends of damp hair right before I blow dry it.  The key is to use A LITTLE BIT.  Well, last week I went a little overboard.  I ended up using way too much, and I brought it up to about my ear instead of just keeping it on the ends.  The result?  Stringy, greasy hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in a week.  I was so upset!  I typically only wash my hair twice a week, and with how much hair I have, washing it is a large undertaking.  I thought I'd have to wash it again, then I got an idea.  Fortunately, it worked.

All I did after blow drying my hair was use dry shampoo.  I put some on the roots as I normally do, and I sprayed it in the lengths of my hair as well.  It completely did the trick!  It absorbed all the greasiness, and my hair looked perfectly normal.  It's totally fine to put dry shampoo in the lengths of your hair--just make sure you rub it in really well so you don't see a white cast.  I found the best way to do this was to rub the hair in between my palms.  After doing this, I brushed it out to make sure it was evenly distributed.

So there you have it, a super random hair hack.  Hopefully you won't make the mistake I did of using too much oil, but if you do, give this a try!

Thank you for reading!
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