I know I'm not alone when I say that I don't always manage stress very well. Sometimes, I make a huge deal out of little things. Then I realize later that everything worked out and that it was silly to waste my energy being upset and worried about something so insignificant. If I lived every day as though it were my last, I wouldn't make mountains out of molehills. And that is my first goal for 2015--to have faith and to not sweat it too much over anything. I do believe in a higher power and that everything always works out for the best.
My second goal is very closely related to the first, and that is to learn how to RELAX. Unfortunately, I've never really known how to surrender, shut off my brain, and completely relax. If I'm going to live every day like it's my last, I'm going to need to relax!
My third goal is to find beauty in everything, even in the darkest of places and times. I am currently in the depths of seasonal depression. This happens to me every winter. I feel withdrawn, sad, and exhausted for no reason other than the fact that the weather is colder and there is less daylight. I have to learn how to beat this and how to bring happiness to myself during this time of year (or for that matter, any time at all when things aren't going so well).
While all of these goals are important, I think my fourth might be the most crucial. My fourth goal is to take care of myself and to stop living to please other people. I have always been a people pleaser. I have always wanted those close to me to be proud of me. I have never wanted to ask for help or for anything that would cause any kind of inconvenience for anybody. That has to stop right now. I have to know that I can ask for help, and more importantly, I have to know that I'm worth it. I have to start standing up for myself more and stop worrying about upsetting others. That doesn't mean that I'm going to be selfish, but if you don't love yourself, how can you love anybody else? You can't give away what you don't have. And when you stand up for yourself and live life on your own terms, people respect you more! This much I know this to be true.
Those are all my goals for the new year, and now I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for everyone and everything I have in my life. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have my incredible family, friends, and husband. Most people would give anything to have what I have, and not a day goes by that I don't acknowledge this. I am so blessed and would not change a thing about my life.
I would love to hear about your resolutions for 2015. Much love to you all!! Let's make 2015 great!

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