My husband: Not to sound too cliche, but in all honesty, he really is my best friend and the love of my life. I think about all the days I've come home worried or upset about something (and probably wasn't too pleasant to be around), and he has always been there to wrap his arms around me and comfort me. He brings so much joy to my heart and makes me laugh and smile more than anyone. Just thinking about him as I write this brings a smile to my face. Sometimes, we think the same thoughts and blurt out the same words at the same times. He really is my other half, and I would be so lost and so incomplete without him. When things seem to go wrong, he always reminds me that as long as we have each other, things really aren't too bad. He's so right.
My family: I couldn't have grown up with a more loving group of people. My family is always there for me, through thick and thin. They remind me every single day how loved I am, and they would do anything for me. My parents have given my brother and me guidance and unwavering support that has allowed us to be where we are today. They mean more to me than I could even put into words. My brother, well, he's my little sidekick! And who could forget those two cairn terriers who are so cute and so full of joy that they'd warm anybody's heart? I'm also very thankful for my in-laws, who have welcomed me into their family with open arms, and I have so much love for them as well.
My friends: Though some have moved out of state, I'm thankful that we still keep in touch and when we do speak, it's like no time has gone by at all. And for those who still live here, don't ever move away!! Just kidding... but please know that I always enjoy our happy hours and any other time we can spend together.
My health: This is a big one that many of us take for granted. I am thankful that I have two arms, two legs, and perfectly functioning organs.
My job: I'm so lucky to have the flexibility and autonomy I have. And even better, I'm fortunate that my work benefits my family as opposed to some large, evil corporation.
...and so much more. When I think about how lucky I am, I realize that everything in my life is perfect. Sure, there are ups and downs, but that's life. I know in my heart that there's a time for everything, and everything happens for a reason. We don't always understand why they do, particularly when things go wrong, but sometimes, things have to fall apart to make room for better things. After the storm passes, we realize that whatever happened that seemed like the end of the world at the time was simply a rough patch. And no storm can last forever.
Thank you for reading this, and if you're going through a tough time, just remember that "this too shall pass."

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